Do-it-Yourself Smartphone Repair Part 2:
SHOULD I Repair My
Own Cell Phone?
(Some advice from the
professionals at MobileREMEDIES®)
(If your real
question is “CAN I Repair My Own Cell Phone?” then read Do-it-Yourself Smartphone
Repair Part 1 first)

Repair technicians have taken apart and re-assembled smartphones identical to
ours multiple times and already know where the “rough spots” are and what parts
are fragile or “stubborn”. They already know the order that must be
followed in removing and replacing modules.
Repair centers have sophisticated workstations with special lighting and
magnification as well as sets of tools specifically designed for repairing
these devices. They also have access to “test housings” which are smartphones
identical to yours into which they can install and test individual components
from your device quickly and easily.
Professionals usually can make an accurate diagnosis of the problem because
they see the same issues over and over again every day. They can also refine or
change the diagnosis during the repair if they discover something unexpected,
by using the test housings.
Repair centers have parts in-stock for all of the common smartphones and have
access to suppliers who can obtain less common ones quickly. If an unexpected
part is found defective during the repair, a replacement may be only a few
steps and a minute away!
It is often possible to get our smartphones fixed while we wait or run a short
errand for less than our insurance deductibles. Quality repair centers
also give a warranty on parts and service, some as long as 1-year, similar to
that on a new device.

any case, before taking the plunge it costs nothing to check out cell phone repair Hawaii online and call one of the reputable cellphone/electronic repaircompanies.
with locations on Maui and Oahu, if they can’t fix your device, you pay
nothing for the attempt. You also always get a 1-year warranty on parts and
service. In addition to cellphones, they also repair iPads and all other tablet
PC’s as well as iPods, game systems (Xbox, PlayStations, Wii, etc.) laptops and
desktop computers. They also provide web services for individuals and small businesses,
buy broken devices for cash or in-store credit and sell refurbished devices
with a 1-year warranty, similar to a manufacturer’s warranty on a new device.
You can also find them at iPhone repair Hawaii, iPad repair Hawaii, iPod repair Hawaii and Xbox repair Hawaii. You may also go to or call 1-800-867-5048
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