from the Professionals at MobileREMEDIES®
Summary: What if we could communicate directly with our computers without using a physical gesture of any kind: control our computers with our thoughts? That’s just science fiction, right? Not so fast! The professionals at Laptop Repair Hawaii: MobileREMEDIES® present some interesting facts about a sub-group of the Human-Computer Interface (HCI) known as the Brain-Computer Interface or BCI that is doing just that! This article gives us a brief look at this fascinating field of study. In Part 1 we discussed some of the basic elements of any computer interface and looked at the historical development of BCI. Now, in Part 2, we will look at some of the feats already being achieved by BCI in the current state of the art and look ahead to some projections for the future.
BCI Today

The devices in all of these categories often use one or both of two ingenious ways of determining where on a visual field (i.e. a computer screen) a person’s attention is focused. This is analogous to moving the cursor with a mouse to a specific site on the screen and clicking it to indicate your choice, but it is accomplished using changes in the EEG instead!
One system uses “event related potentials” (EEP’s) which are peaks of activity in the brain waves that occur about 300 milliseconds (called P300) after we recognize uniqueness or meaning in a particular stimulus. This is often called the “oddball paradigm” because it is most pronounced when we see an unexpected or unusual stimulus among many expected or ordinary ones. Another system uses stimuli that “flicker” at slightly different frequencies. When our attention is concentrated on a particular stimulus our brain waves also faintly “flicker” at the same rate, allowing us to easily identify our choice.
Neuroprosthetics: In this article we will concentrate more on the second and third categories since they will soon impact all of our lives, but any discussion of BCI without at least a brief treatment of this topic would be deficient. We owe much of the progress in BCI research to the desire to improve quality of life in people with disabilities. So it is fitting that our most extensive research and our most spectacular successes have been and continue to be in this field.
To those who are unable to speak and have no functional use of their extremities, communicating their needs and desires is extremely difficult and even if some code (such as eye blinks or movements) can be established, communication is very slow and rudimentary and offers no functional independence whatsoever and no opportunity to express their personal thoughts and emotions. Empathy for these individuals is a means of putting things into perspective for us all and is a worthwhile experience (see Part 1 of this article or visit: Thought control of robotic arms using the BrainGate system).

Thus, BCI represents only a sub-category of neuroprosthetics. Most applications to date have concentrated on either spelling/word generation or control of a prosthetic limb. Classically, techniques have been invasive with implanted electrodes on or within the cortex of the brain since these signals have been of greater amplitude and more reliable.
Within the last few months however, some of the new commercial headsets using dry or saline electrodes have been used for spelling/word generation and speeds as high as 60 characters or 12 words per minute have been achieved. While this is not yet close to our normal communication rates it is a significant improvement over past performance and marks the beginning of an era of non-invasive, affordable alternatives for people with disabilities (To see high speed spelling in real time, follow this video link: PNAS: High-speed spelling with a noninvasive brain-computer interface). Some neuroscience centers are working on robotic devices to help quadriplegic people with their activities of daily living and even strap-in exoskeletons that have internal balance and locomotion systems that allow them to walk over short distances. For the time being these are still too bulky, costly and cumbersome to be of practical use, but the technology is moving forward very quickly and we will speak of it again briefly in the next section.
Self-Awareness: One of the most basic elements of BCI is biofeedback – this means translating some aspect of our own physiology that is typically unconscious or automatic into a measureable signal that in turn permits us (by experimentation) to consciously modify it. For example, it has long been known that awareness of one’s own heart rate can be used as a meditation technique. Some EEG waveforms can be correlated with states of relaxation, attention, awareness, emotional stress etc. Even though some critics of these techniques suggest that motions of the scalp, face and eyes exert such massive influence over these small electrical potentials that they overshadow the brainwaves and are the principle sources of these measurements, it doesn’t actually matter. The concept of biofeedback remains valid as long as the parameters measured are reproducible and reflect true changes in our thoughts. Thus the reasoning used here is that if we can measure our thoughts by any means and become better aware of our mental state, then we can also exert more conscious control over it.
While all of the commercially available BCI systems have meditation and self-awareness
applications, the Muse “Brain Sensing Headband” by InteraXon, Inc. (a Canadian company) touts this as its principle function and offers 4 active EEG electrodes and 3 reference sensors in a stylish white or black headband that interfaces wirelessly with your cell phone or tablet PC. The sleek headset sells for $249 and with its mobile app claims to “motivate you to change your brain” and “improves how you respond to stress” by providing you with the information you need to manipulate your brain waves.
The Aurora Dream band from Iwinks claims to allow you to reclaim your sleep for $299. It has only 1 EEG channel however, so BCI represents only a small part of its operation. It also monitors heart rhythm, muscle tension, eye movements, body motion, acceleration and orientation as well as provide colored LED lights that can be programmed to shine through your eyelids!

MindRDR is a Google Glass (newest version $1649) app that uses a NeuroSky MindWave Mobile Headset ($99) to create an image overlay with a vertical bar that moves to the top of the visual field when concentration is high and to the bottom of the field when it is low and relaxation is high, according to changes recorded by the single EEG sensor. A picture is taken when concentration is highest and the user can either keep and send it or reject it, again by either maintaining or reducing concentration without using any gesture or verbalization.
The EPOC ($399) and EPOC+($499) Neuroheadsets and more recently the Insight Brainware®($299) are somewhat more sophisticated headbands from Emotiv, an Australian company. The EPOC devices have 14 EEG sensors (the Insight has 5) with all headsets having 2 reference electrodes creating the potential for greater spatial resolution. The EPOCs use saline soaked pads and the Insight a semi-dry polymer at the points of contact with the scalp. The EPOC+ and the Insight have 9-axis motion, position and acceleration sensors (EPOC has 2-axis sensors) and are equipped to identify up to 8 “emotional states” including:
Instantaneous, excitement, Long-term excitement, Stress, Engagement, Relaxation, Interest and Focus. The EPOCs also measure up to 12 facial expressions including: Blink, Left wink, Right wink, Furrow (frown), Raise brow (surprise), Smile, Clench teeth (grimace), Look left, Look right, Laugh, Smirk (left side) and Smirk (right side). The Insight measures only 7 expressions since it has only 5 sensors. They can all “memorize” up to 4 pre-trained mental commands from a list of 13 labels including push, pull, lift etc. and even “disappear”. The Insight also allows for user-definable commands. (To see an interesting demonstration follow this video link: Tan Le: A headset that reads your brainwaves)
So, shouldn’t each of us own at least one of these devices that we can use to “train” our brains, increase our concentration, improve our self-awareness and sleep better? The answer is “No”, or at least “Not yet”. Because we feel intuitively that awareness of our mental state will allow us to better control our lives, we are vulnerable to the barrage of “pseudoscientific” marketing claims that a new application or device will “revolutionize” the way we think or learn. Someday we may have the data to back up these claims but presently there is nothing to suggest that learning to manipulate our own brain waves through biofeedback will necessarily make us healthier or better capable of coping with problems in our daily lives. The most significant contribution of this new technology is in making the measurement of the EEG and facial expressions practical and affordable and in offering Software Development Kits that will allow researchers to test hypotheses and develop more sophisticated input and output algorithms.
Gameplay: This is probably where the most widespread development will occur in the near future because the gaming market is already well established and includes by its nature many individuals who are willing to invest in an exciting new experience. No claim of improving one’s health or productivity is necessary even though it is often made!
BCI games are still relatively primitive simply because the technique is new and the degree of on-screen control is not only limited in scope but also in precision. Some use a combination of hand controls for movement through the virtual world with a mentally performed task required at specific waypoints, usually some form of telekinesis. For now the typical format is for smartphones, tablets and laptops and the genre is not quite ready for game consoles and hard-core gamers. This will have to wait until the big budget game studios decide to invest in this new technique.
BCI games are still relatively primitive simply because the technique is new and the degree of on-screen control is not only limited in scope but also in precision. Some use a combination of hand controls for movement through the virtual world with a mentally performed task required at specific waypoints, usually some form of telekinesis. For now the typical format is for smartphones, tablets and laptops and the genre is not quite ready for game consoles and hard-core gamers. This will have to wait until the big budget game studios decide to invest in this new technique.
One of the earliest games to be marketed was Mindflex from Mattel ($79) that came out for Christmas in 2009. It was a stand-alone unit that did not require a separate computer. It used a custom NeuroSky headset to interface with a small fan under a plastic obstacle course that would “levitate” a foam ball to varying heights depending on its speed, which
increased with successful concentration. The Mindflex Duel ($145) in 2011 pitted 2 players against each other in “pushing” the ball to one side or the other depending on each player’s level of concentration. In both games, the obstacle course could be customized.
A similar stand-alone game also “levitating” a ball with a fan came out in 2009 from Uncle Milton Industries called the Star Wars Force Trainer ($79) also using NeuroSky technology. It has generated a second version in 2015 called Star Wars Force Trainer II – The Hologram Experience ($120). The new version requires the user to
have a full size tablet PC (iOS or Android) and only the app, a Bluetooth headset and a projection box is provided. Players are coached by Yoda perform various tasks, manipulating objects and “pushing” away foes acquiring up to 10 levels of “Jedi” concentration!
All of the major headset manufacturers have games available for their devices. NeuroSky has almost 150 apps available on its website with about one third of them classified as games. Most games are free or sell for less than $10 though one of the most popular, “Throw Trucks With Your Mind”, costs $25. Emotiv has 34 apps available on its website and about half of those are games. One is called Arena ($15) and allows a player to
create and shoot fireballs at an enemy or 2 players to shoot them at each other using the “push” command. Another called MindDrone ($15) allows you to fly an AR.Drone with your brain waves and facial expressions. An interesting app from Emotiv that is not actually a game but certainly sounds like fun is called EmoLens ($40). This app automatically indexes Flickr photos according to your emotional response and facial expressions and allows you to create slide shows to fit your mood!
In short, though most of the existing apps are limited in scope and perhaps too simplistic to hold our attention over prolonged periods, the technology is poised to open a whole new era in the human computer interface with no end in sight.
The Future of BCI
As we noted in Part 1, the amplitude of the EEG signal is so small when measured at the scalp that it will always be subject to artifacts including micro motion of the electrodes and stray electrical signals from the underlying muscles as well as those from the many electromagnetic devices that surround us in our daily lives (i.e. cell phones, computers, televisions, electrical transfo
Of great importance however is that some of the “noise” that interferes with measurement of the EEG signal on the scalp, especially that generated by our facial expressions, comes from specific patterns of muscle stimulation that are subtle but reliable indicators of our thought processes and as such are measurable parameters that can be used by our computers to interpret our intentions. Even when we try to maintain a “poker face” by inhibiting overt facial expressions, signals to the appropriate muscles and microscopic contractions are still present and can be measured (except in only very rare neurological conditions). Though they are not part of the direct brain-computer interface, these signals along with other biometric parameters (i.e. skin conductance, heart rate, blood pressure etc.) are easier to measure and may ultimately be found more reliable indicators of our thoughts than the EEG itself.
Thus, we can predict that for the foreseeable future, BCI will likely remain only one element in many “hybrid” systems that will make up the human computer interface. It will appear to us and to an
Communication remains at the center of our progress and historically we have relied on spoken and written language. It is unlikely that we will be able to bypass language in the near future so converting our thoughts into text will continue to be a high priority. New intuitive input algorithms will not only help disabled people communicate effectively but will eventually replace our keyboards. The increasing availability of non-invasive and affordable sensors is now bringing research into the mainstream and into the hands of many creative software developers. This will open up many new horizons.
High word generation speeds will likely come from apps that anticipate the next word from the existing text (similar to Swift Key and Quick Type) but are also based on an individual’s emotional status, facial expressions and other biometric parameters. Since people differ greatly from each other, the most accurate and rapid algorithms will depend on the application “learning” and accumulating phrases and their associated contexts for each individual. Progress will be very rapid in aiding the disabled since even small improvements in word generation speeds will be highly appreciated. Replacing our keyboards however is a different matter and represents a much more formidable task. Word generation speed and accuracy in BCI and/or hybrid systems will have to undergo considerable development and improvement before it can compete with well-established and highly efficient keyboards.
Other aspects of neuroprosthetics are currently flourishing and are poised to benefit tremendously from the addition of BCI and hybrid control systems, potentially improving quality-of-life and giving greater independence to people with disabilities (If you wish to understand better, follow this video link: Amanda Boxtel: Humanizing Machines with Functionality, Design, & Beauty). The most spectacular of these are the exoskeletons mentioned above that allow patients with paralysis to walk by incorporating sophisticated balance and control systems into the devices. Stronger and lighter structural materials combined with smaller and more powerful motors will continue to open new horizons and give new hope to people with spinal cord injuries and neuromuscular disease. Bionic replacement or supplementation of damaged body parts will be routine and highly effective in the next few decades partly due to BCI technology.
It is worthwhile making some observations about the scope of BCI since some people express their concerns that in the future it could be used inappropriately to invade our privacy. As was explained in Part 1, the EEG at its best is an average signal from several thousands or millions of neurons modified by the various tissues surrounding them. It can never be specific enough to reveal individual thoughts or ideas and can only give information about general trends such as mood, level of attention, relaxation etc. Even these vary widely enough between individuals that without baseline observations they are often unreliable. Thus the type of information available from the EEG alone will always be somewhat limited and relatively non-specific. So it is unlikely that our personal information, private thoughts or business secrets will be at risk.
This said, the technology is relatively good at determining classes of emotional responses to particular stimuli. This is what allows BCI (in conjunction with facial expressions) to classify images into a slide show that will fit our mood (see Games above) or arrange our iTunes files into “our best” playlists. This is where the greatest risk of loss of privacy will occur. Just as Internet shopping sites tabulate our preferences in order to individualize their advertising, others could use this information about our emotional responses. The technique does not work backwards (influencing emotions or choices by applying electrical signals to the scalp – though it does if electrodes are placed directly on the cortex of the brain!) so there is little chance of “mind control” through our headsets.
We have looked at some of the basic elements of the brain-computer interface in the past, present and future. It is a science that is still in its infancy but recent developments in making EEG measurement practical and affordable have brought it into the forefront and we will certainly hear much more about it in the months and years to come.
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The End