Bernina Sewing Machines

Thursday, 10 March 2016

IPad Repair Hawaii: Some Interesting Facts About Our Tablet Computers

                                     Observations from the Professionals at MobileREMEDIES®

Summary: The tablet computer is no longer a novelty but rather an established member of a team of computers that make up our personal assistants.  The professionals at iPad Repair Hawaii: MobileREMEDIES® present some interesting facts and give us a more accurate perspective on the importance of these devices in the 21st century.

Even though technically the tablet computer had been around for several decades as a “pen-computing” device, it generated only limited interest prior to the advent of capacitive multi-touch screen technology first show-cased and popularized by the Apple iPhone released in 2008 and then by the Apple iPad first marketed in 2010. Many other brands rapidly became available and popular but no matter which brand of tablet computer you use today, the basic concept is one of manipulating icons and images with your fingertips within multiple specialized applications and this was not available in its present form before the Apple iPad.

In early 2010 less than 4% of Americans owned a tablet computer.  A year later with Apple iPad popularity skyrocketing, that number had jumped to 10% and by mid-2013 to 35% of people aged 18 and older. The role of the post-iPad tablets in our computer choices was a brand-new niche that was previously technically impossible and thus fully undeveloped. Programmers produced new apps almost on a daily basis and people experimented with them discovering new freedom. By 2015, 45% of all adults in the United States would own a tablet computer and 725,000 native iPad apps would have been written!

 Some predicted with its massive surge in popularity and sales that the tablet computer would ultimately replace our other existing computer formats, especially desktops and laptops as their sales were seen to decrease during that time period, but those trends have leveled off and tablet sales even declined slightly in 2015, so it seems more likely that the various formats will reach an equilibrium and co-exist for some time to come, complimenting each other in meeting our individual needs in different circumstances (If you are interested in the origin and evolution of our computer formats see: “The Changing Roles of our Desktops, Laptops, Tablets and Smartphones”, also from iPad Repair Hawaii: MobileREMEDIES®).

In the first quarter of 2014 Apple generated 11 billion dollars in revenue from iPad sales alone, which accounted for about 20% of their gross revenue from all of their products.  As of 2014, 225 million iPads had been sold worldwide. At that time, Apple’s share of the global market for tablet computers was about 35%, down from about 90% in 2010 and 70% in 2011.  With the massive success of the first iPad, Apple’s competitors rapidly began production of cheaper versions of the tablet computer. As they became widely available, Apple’s share of the global market began its steady decline and is now at about 25% in early 2016. This still remains the highest share for any individual company however and it is very likely that the iPad has been a major factor in helping Apple compete with Alphabet (Google) for the title of the most profitable company in history!
Around the world, it is estimated that in 2015 the number of tablet computers in use topped the 1 billion mark (14% of the world’s population) with China owning a full 31% of them and the US and India coming in a distant second and third, at 15% and 4% respectively. By 2018 it is projected that 20% of the world’s population will own or use a tablet computer.

So, who owns them in the U.S.? Most of our available information comes from a Pew Research study done in 2013 when usage was nearing its peak and interest was very high but these figures are still interesting. College graduates, adults between the ages of 35-44, households with incomes over $75,000 per year and parents with minor children living at home were the groups where more than 50% of Americans would already own a tablet even in 2013, with no differences seen between men and women nor among various ethnic groups. 

How much time do we spend on them? In the UK it is reported that children now spend more than 6 hours per day in front of a screen of some kind. It is unlikely that that number is much different for the United States. This includes television, small game consoles, smartphones, tablet computers, laptops and desktops so the allotment for tablets is uncertain but is almost certainly significant. There is a plethora of parenting advice on the Internet from “experts” about how much is “good” or “acceptable” for our children but for the time being, there is no hard data to back up the speculations (remember that every generation has predicted the corruption of its children and the downfall of society by the “new fangled” inventions of the day!)

Nielson reported in 2015 that American adults 18 and older spend more than 11 hours a day using “electronic media”.  This includes all the devices described for children but also listening to the radio and other recorded music so not all of that is “screen’ time but it certainly gives us something to think about. With people awake about 16-18 hours a day, 11 hours is a pretty big chunk! 
Most tablet users say that they prefer their device for web browsing and shopping, reading and sending emails, sharing photos and watching videos or reading eBooks. Key reasons are that the larger image (relative to the smartphone)

 is easier appreciate details and manipulate icons and menus and the greater portability (relative to the laptop or desktop) allows them to use it comfortably in a reclining position. Sixty-four percent of people prefer to play games on their tablets compared to 38% on their smartphones. These preferences may change as the newer generations of smartphones continue to get larger. (If you are interested in the evolution of the smartphone see: From Telephone to Smartphone: a long way in a short time! also from iPad Repair Hawaii: MobileREMEDIES®) About half of tablet users share their device with other family members whereas very few smartphone users do so.

It is likely that the tablet computers are here to stay for a while though we will continue to slowly modify and redefine the niche as we pick and choose the devices that best meet our changing demands.  It is also likely that we will continue to find ways to crack our screens and damage them with liquids.  When that happens, new replacement is no longer the best option.

At MobileREMEDIES®, with locations on Maui and Oahu and mail-in service from anywhere in the world, you get a free diagnostic evaluation and an estimate of the repair costs and time required. You also always get a 1-year warranty on parts and service. If they can’t fix your device, you pay nothing for the attempt! In addition to iPads and all other tablet PC’s, they also repair cellphones, as well as iPods, game systems (Xbox, PlayStations, Wii, etc.) laptops and desktop computers. They also build custom computers for gamers and other high demand users, recover lost data, provide web services for individuals and small businesses, buy broken devices for cash or in-store credit and sell refurbished devices with a 1-year warranty, similar to a manufacturer’s warranty on a new device. You can find them at iPad repair Hawaii, iPhone repair Hawaii, iPod repair Hawaii, Data Recovery Hawaii, Custom Computers Hawaii and Xbox repair Hawaii. You may also go to or call 1-800-867-5048.


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